Admittedly at 4K using the highest quality visuals even Fortnite looks pretty crisp and with over 60 fps at all times played incredibly well on the 2080 Ti. The standard 2080 matched the 1080 Ti and both also delivered a smooth gaming experience.

Ohh and for those of you hoping to see PUBG benchmarks I’ve had to drop that title, I spent 20 minutes trying to get a game two days in a row, is the game completely dead now? Anyway without the ability to get into a game I couldn’t test it and I didn’t have time to waste, Fortnite’s x10 better anyway, am I right? Moving on, F1 fans brace yourself as I’ve tested both the 2017 and the new 2018 version of the game, both on the Albert Park circuit under the same conditions. At 1440p the game was already very playable on a GTX 1080 Ti and by very playable I mean unbelievably smooth with virtually no perceivable input lag, even for the Sebastian Vettel’s of the virtual F1 world.

Jumping up to 4K did slow things down as you’d expect and now the 1080 Ti and 2080 are just keeping things above 60 fps at all times. Obviously that’s still a great result and while faster the 2080 Ti only delivered a little over 20% more performance, of course almost 100 fps at 4K is mind blowing stuff, but I was hoping to see bigger gains.

Moving to F1 2018 and again we see that the 2080 delivers 1080 Ti like performance, still the 1440p results are impressive for both GPUs. The 2080 Ti was again a little over 20% faser so while very strong in terms of performance, it doesn’t exactly justify the 70% price increase over the 1080 Ti.

The 4K results are a little better and now the 2080 Ti is 30% faster than the 1080 Ti, again doesn’t justify the price increase but 91 fps in this modern racing title at 4K is nice. That said there is an issue here, the frame time performance looks a little cattywampus. This isn’t a mistake, I triple checked these results and even tried AIB models and still got the exact same result every time, so this has to be a driver bug. These are early drivers so I expect Nvidia will get on top of this issue before long. I had also planned to test the Forza Horizon 4 demo, but it kept crashing on the RTX cards, so again a driver issue, which is a shame it would have been great to test that one out. A much older game that I’m sure many of you are keen to see how these new RTX GPUs perform in is The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. The 2080 once again provides 1080 Ti like performance, we see the same frame time result with a slight boost to the average frame rate. The 2080 Ti enables slightly better frame time performance at 1440p with a 30% boost for the average frame rate, over the 1080 Ti. Increasing the resolution to 4K helps the 2080 Ti extend it’s lead out to 37% while the plain 2080 is seen to be 38% faster than the 1080, so not a bad result there.

In the previous article, our day one coverage we showed Shadow of the Tomb Raider performance, so if you missed that you can go back and check it out. Since we’ve already covered that title we won’t talk about those results again here, but I will include them in the performance breakdown at the end of the article. This time we’re looking at the results from Rise of the Tomb Raider using the DirectX 11 API. At 1440p the results are unimpressive, the 2080 is slower than the 1080 Ti while the 2080 Ti is only a fraction faster. Therefore let’s quickly move to the 4K testing and here the 2080 Ti was still just 25% faster than the 1080 Ti, that alone is a decent performance increase but again it doesn’t come anywhere near close to justifying the price increase. The same is true when comparing the 2080 and 1080, the new model is less than 30% faster.

Moving on we have Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, another very GPU demanding title. Here the 2080 does offer a nice little performance bump over the 1080 Ti while the 2080 Ti is the only GPU to keep frame rates above 100 fps at all times. Even at 4K the 2080 Ti ensures frame rates stay above 60 fps and with an average of 82 fps the game ran silky smooth, it delivered an amazing experience. Meanwhile the 2080 was again slightly faster than the 1080 Ti, making it 44% faster than the standard 1080.

Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia isn’t exactly the most cutting edge title but it does do an excellent job of utilizing the 2080 Ti, even at 1440p. That said while strong compared to a lot of the 1440p results we’ve seen, it was still just 29% faster, the 2080 also beat the 1080 by a similar margin. Interestingly at 4K the 2080 Ti slightly extends it’s lead but the opposite is true for the 2080 which sees the 1080 close in a bit. Overall not amazing results here given the price tags, but the 2080 Ti is able to deliver playable performance while the rest of the field struggles.