The RX 480 was just 7fps slower than the RX 480 when playing Rise of the Tomb Raider at 1080p. More importaintly it sustained over 60fps in our benchmark with an average of 63fps.

At 1440p performance drops to just 43fps though we are running very high quality settings with SMAA enabled, so it shouldn’t take much to reach or even exceed 60fps with the RX 470 at this resolution.

Running the game using DirectX 12 boosted performance by a small margin allowing for a 66fps average at 1080p. The RX 470 was 8fps slower than the RX 480 though it was also 15fps faster than the GTX 960.

Using DX12 we see similar performance at 1440p, this time the RX 470 averaged 43fps making it 6fps slower than the RX 480.

Far Cry Primal was tested using the ultra-quality settings using the HD texture pack, which aren’t ideal quality settings for a sub-$200 graphics card. Unfortunately, due to timing it wasn’t possible to update the quality settings used for testing so we were forced to test the RX 470 under these conditions. Even so we did see a 49fps average which while not ideal does provide playable performance.

Bumping the resolution up to 1440p sees the RX 480 drop to an average of 34fps with frame dips as low as 29fps. Not ideal, but it was interesting to see the RX 470 outpacing the GTX 970 here.